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Watch Re: An Island School in Britanny 31 min Watch the programme

Re: An Island School in Britanny

Watch Re: Lavish Communions in Poland 33 min Watch the programme

Re: Lavish Communions in Poland

Watch Re: Homeless Children in France 33 min Watch the programme

Re: Homeless Children in France

Watch Data Sources Trafficking Baby Gorillas 17 min Watch the programme

Data Sources

Trafficking Baby Gorillas

Watch Re: Animal Hoarders in Germany 30 min Watch the programme

Re: Animal Hoarders in Germany

Watch Re: Back to the Stone Age 31 min Watch the programme

Re: Back to the Stone Age

Watch Working But Poor The Middle Class in Crisis 90 min Watch the programme

Working But Poor

The Middle Class in Crisis

Watch Re: Green Care Life on the Farm 33 min Watch the programme

Re: Green Care

Life on the Farm
