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Watch Re: Ireland's Forced Adoptions 33 min Watch the programme

Re: Ireland's Forced Adoptions

Watch Re: Living in a Container 31 min Watch the programme

Re: Living in a Container

Watch Re: Minimalism - A Life of Luxury? 31 min Watch the programme

Re: Minimalism - A Life of Luxury?

Watch Re: A Ghost Village in Calabria 32 min Watch the programme

Re: A Ghost Village in Calabria

Watch Re: The Franco-German Police 31 min Watch the programme

Re: The Franco-German Police

Watch Bulgaria: A Difficult Green Transition 6 min Watch the programme

Bulgaria: A Difficult Green Transition

Watch Putin, NATO, and Europe 90 min Watch the programme

Putin, NATO, and Europe

Watch Re: Police Psychology in Switzerland 30 min Watch the programme

Re: Police Psychology in Switzerland

Watch Re: Fighting Poverty in Albania 31 min Watch the programme

Re: Fighting Poverty in Albania

Watch Re: The Last Greeks of Turkey 30 min Watch the programme

Re: The Last Greeks of Turkey
